About BeTheCure.me My name is Mark James Wooding. I was the primary caregiver for my mother for the last six and a quarter years of her life, before she passed away from Alzheimer’s disease. Her name was Mary Wooding, and her picture is in the magnifying glass in this website's logo. Currently I work in a dementia ward. When I look around me at the people there, I know that the best solution for those individuals is to be cured of their dementia, and to be able to walk out of there alive. At the current rate of progress in curing Alzheimer's disease, and with curing vascular dementia and Parkinson's disease, it doesn't look like help is going to arrive in time to save these people before the damage done is too great to overcome. For some of them, it appears to be too late already. This same dynamic is happening in thousands of other facilities around the world. People with dementia now don't have the luxury of decades in which to wait. They need a cure as soon as possible. The goal of this website is to ultimately connect tens of thousands of brains working together to find cures, beginning with Alzheimer's disease. As this website grows, I will set up a database where people can enter their findings, and allow an AI to access that data and look for conclusions. With all of that brain power searching for answers, maybe we can find cures, or at least treatments, that can improve the lives of millions of people. If you'd like to support this cause by donating, there is a GoFundMe page. |